Physics Theses and Dissertations

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    Novel Techniques for Simulation and Analysis of Black Hole Mergers
    (2011) Boggs, William Darian; Tiglio, Manuel; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation consists of three research topics from numerical relativity: waveforms from inspiral mergers of black hole binaries, recoils from head-on mergers of black holes, and a new computational technique for error-reduction. The first two topics present research from journal articles that I coauthored with my colleagues in the NASA Goddard Numerical Relativity research group. Chapter 2 discusses a heuristic model of black hole binary mergers and the waveforms produced by them, based on simulations of nonspinning black holes. The gravitational radiation is interpreted as the result of an implicit rotating source that generates the radiation modes as the source multipoles rotate coherently. This interpretation of the waveform phase evolution provides a unified physical picture of the inspiral, plunge, and ringdown of the binaries, and it is the basis of an analytic model of the late-time frequency evolution. Chapter 3 presents a study of kicks in head-on black hole mergers, emphasizing the distinct contributions of spin and mass ratio, as well as their combined effects, to these radiation-induced recoils. The simpler dynamics of head-on mergers allow a more clear separation of the two types of kick and a validation of post-Newtonian predictions for the spin scaling of kicks. Finally, Chapter 4 presents a technique I developed to improve the accuracy of the field evolution in numerical relativity simulations. This "moving patches" technique uses local coordinate frames to minimize black hole motion and reduce error due to advection terms. In tests of the technique, I demonstrate reduction in constraint violations and in errors in the orbital frequency derived from the black holes' motions. I also demonstrate an accuracy gain in a new diagnostic quantity based on orbital angular momentum. I developed this diagnostic for evaluating the moving patches technique, but it has broader applicability. Though the moving patches technique has significant performance costs, these limitations are specific to the current implementation, and it promises greater efficiency and accuracy in the future.
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    Numerical studies of constraints and gravitational wave extraction in general relativity
    (2004-08-04) Fiske, David Robert; Misner, Charles W; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Within classical physics, general relativity is the theory of gravity. Its equations are non-linear partial differential equations for which relatively few closed form solutions are known. Because of the growing observational need for solutions representing gravitational waves from astrophysically plausible sources, a subfield of general relativity, numerical relativity, has a emerged with the goal of generating numerical solutions to the Einstein equations. This dissertation focuses on two fundamental problems in modern numerical relativity: (1) Creating a theoretical treatment of the constraints in the presence of constraint-violating numerical errors, and (2) Designing and implementing an algorithm to compute the spherical harmonic decomposition of radiation quantities for comparison with observation. On the issue of the constraints, I present a novel and generic procedure for incorporating the constraints into the equations of motion of the theory in a way designed to make the constraint hypersurface an attractor of the evolution. In principle, the prescription generates non-linear corrections for the Einstein equations. The dissertation presents numerical evidence that the correction terms do work in the case of two formulations of the Maxwell equations and two formulations of the linearized Einstein equations. On the issue of radiation extraction, I provide the first in-depth analysis of a novel algorithm, due originally to Misner, for computing spherical harmonic components on a cubic grid. I compute explicitly how the truncation error in the algorithm depends on its various parameters, and I also provide a detailed analysis showing how to implement the method on grids in which explicit symmetries are enforced via boundary conditions. Finally, I verify these error estimates and symmetry arguments with a numerical study using a solution of the linearized Einstein equations known as a Teukolsky wave. The algorithm performs well and the estimates prove true both in simulations run on a uniform grid and in simulations that make use of fixed mesh refinement techniques.