Physics Theses and Dissertations

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    (2015) Wilson, Justin Howard; Galitski, Victor M; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Two major electromagnetic phenomena, magneto-optical effects and the Casimir effect, have seen much theoretical and experimental use for many years. On the other hand, recently there has been an explosion of theoretical and experimental work on so-called topological materials, and a natural question to ask is how such electromagnetic phenomena change with these novel materials. Specifically, we will consider are topological insulators and Weyl semimetals. When Dirac electrons on the surface of a topological insulator are gapped or Weyl fermions in the bulk of a Weyl semimetal appear due to time-reversal symmetry breaking, there is a resulting quantum anomalous Hall effect (2D in one case and bulk 3D in the other, respectively). For topological insulators, we investigate the role of localized in-gap states which can leave their own fingerprints on the magneto-optics and can therefore be probed. We have shown that these states resonantly contribute to the Hall conductivity and are magneto-optically active. For Weyl semimetals we investigate the Casimir force and show that with thickness, chemical potential, and magnetic field, a \emph{repulsive and tunable} Casimir force can be obtained. Additionally, various values of the parameters can give various combinations of traps and antitraps. We additionally probe the topological transition called a Lifshitz transition in the band structure of a material and show that in a Casimir experiment, one can observe a non-analytic ``kink'' in the Casimir force across such a transition. The material we propose is a spin-orbit coupled semiconductor with large $g$-factor that can be magnetically tuned through such a transition. Additionally, we propose an experiment with a two-dimensional metal where weak localization is tuned with an applied field in order to definitively test the effect of diffusive electrons on the Casimir force---an issue that is surprisingly unresolved to this day. Lastly, we show how the time-continuous coherent state path integral breaks down for both the single-site Bose-Hubbard model and the spin path integral. Specifically, when the Hamiltonian is quadratic in a generator of the algebra used to construct coherent states, the path integral fails to produce correct results following from an operator approach. We note that the problems do not arise in the time-discretized version of the path integral, as expected.
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    Majorana Zero Modes in Solid State Systems
    (2015) Hui, Hoi Yin; Das Sarma, Sankar; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Majorana zero modes are zero-energy excitations that are their own anti-particles, and obey non-Abelian statistics which could be harnessed for topological quantum computation. There are many theoretical proposals to realize them in solid state systems, but experimental realizations are confronted by a number of non-idealities. In this thesis, we theoretically investigate such complications, thereby suggesting improvement and directions that could be pursued. We first develop a theoretical framework to analyze the effect of ensemble-averaged disorder on the Majorana zero modes, generalizing the Eilenberger theory to handle 1D systems while retaining short-distance fluctuations. We then consider disordered topological insulator-based heterostructures, showing that extra subgap states are potentially induced, obscuring the density-of-states signature of the Majorana zero mode. We also analyze in depth the experimentally observed soft gap feature, suggesting that a cleaner interface in the semiconductor-based proposal can harden the gap. In view of some of the limitations of the proposals based on semiconductors or topological insulators, we look into a new class of systems in which a ferromagnetic atomic chain is put on the surface of a bulk spin-orbit-coupled superconductor. This system is analyzed in two limits, corresponding to weak or strong inter-atomic hopping on the chain. In each of these cases, the topological criteria are obtained. We also find that in the limit of strong chain-superconductor coupling, the length scales of the effective Hamiltonian of the chain are significantly suppressed, potentially explaining some of the recent observations in experiments.
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    Electronic Transport in Bismuth Selenide in the Topological Insulator Regime
    (2013) Kim, Dohun; Fuhrer, Michael S; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The 3D topological insulators (TIs) have an insulating bulk but spin-momentum coupled metallic surface states stemming from band inversion due to strong spin-orbit interaction, whose existence is guaranteed by the topology of the band structure of the insulator. While the STI surface state has been studied spectroscopically by e.g. photoemission and scanned probes, transport experiments have failed to demonstrate clear signature of the STI due to high level of bulk conduction. In this thesis, I present experimental results on the transport properties of TI material Bi2Se3 in the absence of bulk conduction (TI regime), achieved by applying novel p-type doping methods. Field effect transistors consisting of thin (thickness: 5-17 nm) Bi2Se3 are fabricated by mechanical exfoliation of single crystals, and a combination of conventional dielectric (300 nm thick SiO2) and electrochemical or chemical gating methods are used to move the Fermi energy through the surface Dirac point inside bulk band gap, revealing the ambipolar gapless nature of transport in the Bi2Se3 surface states. The minimum conductivity of the topological surface state is understood within the self-consistent theory of Dirac electrons in the presence of charged impurities. The intrinsic finite-temperature resistivity of the topological surface state due to electron-acoustic phonon scattering is measured to be 60 times larger than that of graphene largely due to the smaller Fermi and sound velocities in Bi2Se3, which will have implications for topological electronic devices operating at room temperature. Along with semi-classical Boltzmann transport, I also discuss 2D weak anti-localization (WAL) behavior of the topological surface states. By investigating gate-tuned WAL behavior in thin (5-17 nm) TI films, I show that WAL in the TI regime is extraordinarily sensitive to the hybridization induced quantum mechanical tunneling between top and bottom topological surfaces, and interplay of phase coherence time and inter-surface tunneling time results in a crossover from two decoupled (top and bottom) symplectic 2D metal surfaces to a coherently coupled single channel. Furthermore, a complete suppression of WAL is observed in the 5 nm thick Bi2Se3 film which was found to occur when the hybridization gap becomes comparable to the disorder strength.