Physics Theses and Dissertations

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    Unifying Searches for New Physics with Precision Measurements of the W Boson Mass
    (2024) Sathyan, Deepak; Agashe, Kaustubh; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been extremely successful in describing the interactions of electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear forces. Yet, there are both unexplained phenomena and experimentally observed tensions with the SM, motivating searches for new physics (NP). Collider experiments typically perform two kinds of analyses: direct searches for new physics and precision measurements of SM observables. For example, experimental collaborations use collider data to search for NP particles like the heavy superpartners of the SM particles, whose observation would be clear evidence of supersymmetry (SUSY). These direct searches often consider kinematic regions where the SM background is small. This strategy is unable to probe regions of the NP parameter space where the SM background is dominant. The same collaborations also measure the masses of SM particles, which not only serve as consistency tests of the SM, but can also probe effects of NP. In 2022, the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) collaboration published the most precise measurement of the $W$ boson mass: $m_W$ = 80433.5 $\pm$ 9.4 MeV. This measurement is in $7\sigma$ significance tension with the SM prediction via the electroweak (EW) fit, $m_W^{\rm pred.}$ = 80354 $\pm$ 7 MeV. Many extensions to the SM can affect the prediction of $m_W$ with indirect effects of heavy NP. However, in 2023, the ATLAS re-measurement of the $W$ boson mass, $m_W$ = 80360 $\pm$ 16 MeV, was found to be consistent with the SM prediction. Both collaborations found a high-precision agreement between the measured kinematic distributions and the SM prediction of the kinematic distributions for their corresponding extracted $m_W$. We propose using the precision measurements of $m_W$ to directly probe NP contributing to the same final state used to measure $m_W$: a single charged lepton $\ell$ and missing transverse energy $\met$. This strategy is independent of modifying the EW fit, which tests indirect effects of NP on the predicted value of $m_W$. Any NP producing $\ell+\met$ which modifies the kinematic distributions used to extract $m_W$ can be probed with this method. With this strategy, since these distributions are used to search for NP while measuring $m_W$, a simultaneous fit of NP and SM parameters is required, thus unifying searches and measurements. This simultaneous fitting can induce a bias in the measured $m_W$, but only to a limited extent for our considered models. We consider three categories of NP which can be probed: ($i$) modified decay of $W$ bosons; ($ii$) modified production of $W$ bosons; and ($iii$) $\ell+\met$ scenarios without an on-shell $W$ boson. We also show that models whose signals extend beyond the kinematic region used to measure $m_W$ can be probed in an intermediate kinematic region. Our results highlight that new physics can still be discovered at the LHC, including light new physics, via SM precision measurements. Additionally, anticipated improvements in precision SM measurements at the High Luminosity LHC further enables new searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM).
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    (2024) Ristow, Clayton James; Hook, Anson; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The study of beyond the standard model physics can largely be broken into twocategories: theoretical and phenomenological. In the former, we study theories in depth to better understand their implications while in the latter, we hold models of our physical world to scrutiny against experimental evidence. Both are crucial to understanding physics beyond the standard model. To reflect this dichotomy, this thesis is broken into two acts, one covering theoretic research and the other discussing progress made on the phenomenological front. Chapter 2, comprising the entirety of Act 1 of this thesis, concerns the theory of magnetic monopoles. In the mid-1970’s t’Hooft and Polyakov discovered magnetic monopoles exist as generic solutions in spontaneously broken gauge theories. Since then much progress has been made in understanding these monopoles, most notably by Callan who argued that the fermion vacuum is non-trivial around the core of the magnetic monopole. These non-trivial vacuua can be interpreted as bound states of fermions with fractional fermion number. In this work, we explicitly compute these fermion bound states in an SU (2) gauge theory coupled to Nf fermions. We demonstrate there are two unique ways to grant mass to the fermions in the SU (2) theory which, after symmetry breaking, give the same UEM (1) theory of fermions. Despite this low energy equivalence, we show that the two theories exhibit very different physics at low energy scales around a magnetic monopole. We show that there may exist stable excited dyonic states with differing charges and energies between the two theories. We find the ground states can also differ in energy and charge between the two theories. We demonstrate the monopole can inherit a mass correction and charge distribution that depends on the topological θ angle even if one of the fermions is massless. This effect is present in one of the theories and is completely absent in the other. Finally, we discuss the implications of these effects on the SU (5) GUT monopole. Act two, comprising of chapters 3 and 4, focuses on the phenomoenological side of beyond the standard model physics. In these chapters, we consider two highly motivated beyond the standard model particles, the axion, φ, and the dark photon AD which are coupled to the standard model photon via a coupling φF ̃FD. In some models, this coupling can provide the leading order coupling between our sector and the dark sector containing the axion and dark photon. In chapter 2, we demonstrate the effect this coupling has on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in the scenario where either the axion or the dark photon constitutes dark matter. Depending on which we choose to be dark matter, we show that this interaction leads to the conversion of the CMB photons into the other dark sector particle, leading to a distortion in the CMB spectrum. We present the details of these unique distortion signatures and the resulting constraints on the φF ̃FD coupling. In particular, we find that for a wide range of masses, the constraints from this effect are stronger than on the more widely studied axion-photon-photon coupling. We also demonstrate that CMB distortions of this type can a exhibit unique, non-thermal frequency profile which could be detected by future experiments. In chapter 3, we consider the astrophysical effects of the φF ̃FD coupling, in particular, its effect on supernova cooling rates. We show that the bound on this interaction due to supernova cooling exhibits two unusual features. If there is a large mass difference between the axion and dark photon, we show both production and scattering become suppressed and the bounds from bulk (volume) emission and trapped (area) emission both weaken exponentially. We show that these bounds do not intersect leading to a larger area of excluded parameter space than may have otherwise been expected. The other unusual feature occurs because the longitudinal modes of light dark photons couple more weakly than their transverse modes. As a consequence, the longitudinal modes can still cause excessive cooling even if the transverse modes are trapped. Thus, the supernova constraints for massive dark photons look like two independent supernova bounds super-imposed on top of each other. We also briefly consider the effect of this interaction on white dwarf cooling and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.
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    Multi-messenger search for galactic PeVatron with HAWC and IceCube
    (2024) Fan, Kwok Lung; Goodman, Jordan A; Sullivan, Gregory W; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In recent years, many advancements in astrophysics have brought astrophysicists new tools to study the universe. Specifically, the discovery of astrophysical neutrinos by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and Gravitational waves by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration has started the era of multi-messenger astronomy. Scientists can finally use messengers other than electromagnetic waves to study astrophysical phenomena. With the addition of new messengers, it is crucial that data from multiple instruments and messengers can be jointly analyzed through a unified framework using one physics model. Many efforts have been put into jointly analyzing electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths from different instruments, but the ability to jointly fit other messengers to a single physics model is still missing. In this work, we present a method to jointly analyze data from HAWC Gamma-ray Observatory and IceCube Neutrino Observatory by using a newly developed IceCube likelihood software called i3mla and the existing HAWC likelihood software called HAL. Together with the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML), we are able to jointly fit the gamma-ray emission model and neutrino emission model simultaneously with the HAWC gamma-ray and IceCube neutrino data. We apply the method to search for Galactic PeVatrons. Galactic PeVatrons are sources of PeV galactic cosmic rays. When the cosmic ray interacts with nearby material, it will produce both gamma rays and neutrinos with the same morphology and spectral shape. While gamma rays could also be produced from other interactions, neutrinos can only be produced by hadronic interactions of the cosmic ray. Therefore, it is natural to search for neutrino emissions from gamma-ray sources. We first perform a search for neutrino emissions from the 12 known gamma-ray sources detected by LHAASO. No significant detection was found and we put constraints on the neutrino emission on the sources. Second, a more detailed multimessenger search of Galactic PeVatrons candidates using simultaneously the HAWC data and IceCube neutrino data is conducted. We model the gamma-ray emission using the HAWC data and jointly fit a unified model to both the gamma-ray and neutrino data. No significant detection was found and we put constraints on the fraction of the gamma rays due to hadronic interactions.
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    Studies of Ionization Backgrounds in Noble Liquid Detectors For Dark Matter Searches
    (2024) Mizrachi, Eli; Xu, Jingke; Hall, Carter; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Dark matter is believed to make up almost 85% of the total mass of the universe, yet its identity remains unclear. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) have historically been a favored dark matter candidate, and dual-phase noble liquid time projection chambers (TPCs) have set the strongest interaction limits to date on WIMPs with a mass greater than several GeV. However, because no definitive interactions have been observed, the parameter space for conventional WIMPs is highly constrained. This has sparked greater interest in new sub-GeV dark matter models. At this mass scale, dark matter interactions with xenon or argon target media may still produce detectable signals at or near the single electron limit. However, these signals are currently obscured by delayed ionization backgrounds (“electron trains”) which persist for seconds after an ionization event occurs. Electron trains have been observed in many different experiments and exhibit similar characteristics, but their cause is only partially understood. This work examines the nature of electron trains in various contexts, as well as possible strategies to mitigate them. First, a characterization of electron trains in the LZ experiment is presented, including new evidence of a dependence on detector conditions. The characterization also informed the development of an electron-train veto for LZ's first WIMP search, which set world-leading limits on the spin-independent and spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross-sections for medium and high-mass WIMPs. Next, to complement the analysis of LZ data, hardware upgrades were performed in XeNeu, a small xenon TPC at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. These included replacing plastics with low-outgassing metal and machinable ceramic components, as well as a replacement of XeNeu's photomultiplier tube array with silicon photomultipliers. The resulting reduction in the intensity of electron-trains and better position resolution from the respective upgrades will improve future studies of low energy interactions and phenomena. Concurrent with this work, XeNeu was used to perform a nuclear recoil calibration and a search for the Migdal effect, the latter of which can substantially enhance an experiment's low-mass dark matter sensitivity. Finally, the development of CoHerent Ionization Limits in Liquid Argon and Xenon (CHILLAX), is reported. CHILLAX is a new xenon-doped, dual-phase argon test stand that has the potential to have a higher sensitivity to low-mass dark matter interactions and lower backgrounds than current liquid xenon TPCs. The system is designed to handle high (percent level) xenon concentrations in liquid argon that can enable a range of ionization signal production and collection benefits. CHILLAX demonstrated the feasibility of such concepts by achieving a world record xenon doping concentration with stable operation.
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    All-Sky Search for Very-High-Energy Emission from Primordial Black Holes and Gamma-Ray Bursts with the HAWC Observatory
    (2023) Engel, Kristi Lynne; Goodman, Jordan A; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Transient sources of very-high-energy gamma rays are short-lived astrophysical phenomena often associated with catastrophic events that change their brightness over relatively short timescales. The search for and study of such objects, especially in the TeV energy regime, has the possibility to shed light not only on the physics at play within the enigmatic, chaotic environments that produce such emission, but also to answer several remaining questions in fundamental physics. In this dissertation, we leverage the sensitivity and characteristics of the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory in pursuit of gaining insight into these areas. The HAWC Observatory, located on the side of the side of the Sierra Negra volcano in Puebla, Mexico at an altitude of 4,100 m above sea level, is an extensive-air-shower array sensitive to gamma rays from ~0.1 to >100 TeV that has been in operation since March of 2015. It has a wide field of view of ~2 sr at any one time and, combined with its large operational duty cycle (>95%), observes 2/3 of the sky every day. HAWC operates using the water-Cherenkov detection technique with 1,200 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in two different sizes to detect Cherenkov emission from secondary air-shower particles. Herein, we present an improved characterization for the larger of these two PMT models for inclusion within the Monte Carlo simulation of the HAWC Observatory, as well as the custom testing apparatus designed and constructed for this purpose. With HAWC's wide field of view, near-continuous uptime, and large archival dataset, it serves as an ideal observatory with which to search for transient sources of all kinds. We apply these advantages to perform searches for two types of transient sources--- Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The first of these, a search for emission signatures of evaporating PBHs, is performed on 959 days of HAWC data for remaining lifetimes of 0.2, 1, 10, and 100 s, assuming radiation development according to the Standard Emission Model. We show that previous attempts to perform searches for transient searches similar to PBHs with HAWC were oversampling at detrimental levels and improve upon that method to achieve greater statistical rigor. Finding no significant emission for any duration, we place upper limits at the 99% confidence level on the local burst rate density. For the second of these source types, we apply the low-energy improvements recently made to the HAWC data reconstruction procedure to search for very-high-energy emission within the first 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 s of emission for 93 GRBs within HAWC's field of view at their reported T0 over the first 7 years of HAWC operations. This search is performed using permutations of four different assumed redshift values and four different assumed spectral indices. Finding no significant emission for any duration under any set of assumption parameters, we place upper limits at the 95% confidence level on the intrinsic flux for all GRBs. For those GRBs with external flux models available from other gamma-ray detectors, we compare the HAWC limits to those models in order to constrain the possible emission in the TeV regime with respect to that at lower energy values. We also perform a follow-up execution of this analysis with start times shifted to match external model start times which differed from T0. Again finding no significant emission, we place upper limits at the 95% confidence level on the intrinsic flux for all parameter sets and for all external start times for those GRBs HAWC was most likely to have seen. Finally, we speculate about the future of searches for PBHs and GRBs with the next-generation wide-field-of-view instrument, the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO), presenting projected performance for these two types of transient sources.
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    Search for emerging-jet signatures in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS using a fully data-based method for background extraction
    (2023) Chen, Yi-Mu; Belloni, Alberto; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    For this thesis, I present a search for emerging jets produced in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. This search examines a hypothetical dark QCD sector that couples to the standard model through a scalar mediator. The scalar mediator decays into a standard model quark and a dark sector quark. As the dark sector quark showers and hadronizes, it produces long-lived dark mesons that subsequently decay into SM particles, resulting in a jet with multiple displaced vertices, known as an emerging jet. This search extends the existing efforts of CMS by including the possibility of a flavored coupling between the standard model sector and dark sector, which results in emerging jets containing both long-lived and prompt decays. This search looks for pair production of the scalar mediators at the LHC, yielding events with two SM jets and two emerging jets. As the detector signature left by such dark sector showers significantly deviates from the assumptions made when designing the detector, a fully data-based method is used for evaluating the number of standard model events that can be mistaken as signal events. The search is carried out on data collected by the CMS experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 /fb , and we observe no significant excess. The results are interpreted using two dark sector models and exclude mediator masses up to 1750 GeV for an unflavored dark QCD model and up to 2000 GeV for a flavored-aligned dark QCD model.
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    Hunting Inflationary Fossils in Primordial Inhomogeneities
    (2023) Bodas, Arushi; Sundrum, Raman; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Cosmological observables such as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) allow us to probe the early universe at extremely high energies far beyond the reach of any particle collider on Earth. In the inflationary paradigm, small perturbations in the energy distribution across space can be directly linked to the quantum fluctuations of an "inflaton'' field that drives inflation. Using these perturbations, it is, therefore, possible to learn about physics at energies as high as 10^(13) GeV. In this thesis, we exploit this powerful connection and explore novel mechanisms to hunt for previously unexplored inflationary dynamics. During inflation, particles with masses larger than the inflationary Hubble scale (H) are produced due to an accelerating spacetime. If coupled to the inflaton, these particles could imprint distinct oscillatory features in higher moments of the density perturbations. Since H can be as high as 5*10^(13) GeV, these oscillatory features present a unique opportunity to directly detect very heavy particles with masses ~ H. In Chapter 2, we explore a mechanism that can boost spin-0 particle production by mining the kinetic energy of the inflaton. This leads to an enhancement of the oscillatory features, which can bring heavier particles with masses up to 60H within the reach of observations. In the final part of the thesis, spanning chapters 3 and 4, we explore the viability of gravitational wave backgrounds (GWB) as novel data sources for unexplored inflationary physics. It was recently shown that a GWB from a first-order phase transition must exhibit fluctuations, much like the CMB. Despite the close analogy, it is possible for fluctuations of the GWB to differ significantly in their detailed pattern from those of the CMB, which would imply the existence of a second light field during inflation in addition to the inflaton. Such a GWB could thus unlock a wealth of new information about multi-field inflation. In Chapter 3, we elaborate on this point with an example. We show that there may exist signals that cannot be extracted using standard cosmological probes such as the CMB and galaxy surveys, but can in principle be detected within GWB with upcoming and proposed gravitational wave experiments. Lastly, in Chapter 4, we focus on the detectability of GWB itself. We discuss a cosmological mechanism that can enhance the strength of the gravitational wave signal from phase transitions, thereby increasing their detection prospects significantly.
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    (2023) Das, Saurav; Hook, Anson; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The standard model for particle physics has been extremely successful as a description of nature. Despite this success, there remain many unsolved puzzles both observationally and theoretically. In this thesis we explore a few ideas in search of beyond the standard model physics, especially we focus on the Higgs mass, magnetic monopole and vector dark matter. In the first part of the thesis, we show that the Goldstone bosons of discrete symmetry can be parametrically lighter than otherwise expected. While non-linear realizations of continuous symmetries feature derivative interactions and have no potential, non-linear realizations of discrete symmetries feature non-derivative interactions and have a highly suppressed potential. These Goldstone bosons of discrete symmetries have a non-zero potential, but the potential generated from quantum corrections is inherently very highly suppressed. We explore various discrete symmetries and to what extent the potential is suppressed for each of them. In the second part, we showed that in the early universe, evaporating black holes heat up the surrounding plasma and create a temperature profile around the black hole that can be more important than the black hole itself. As an example, we demonstrate how the hot plasma surrounding evaporating black holes can efficiently produce monopoles via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. In the case where black holes reheat the universe, reheat temperatures above $\sim 500$ GeV can already lead to monopoles overclosing the universe. In the last part of the thesis, we showed that vector Dark Matter (VDM) that couples to lepton flavor ($L_e$, $L_{\mu}$, $L_{\tau}$) acts similarly to a chemical potential for the neutrino flavor eigenstates and modifies neutrino oscillations. VDM imparts unique signatures such as time and directional dependence with longer baselines giving better sensitivity. We use the non-observation of such a signal at Super-Kamiokande to rule out the existence of VDM in a region of parameter space several orders of magnitude beyond other constraints and show the projected reach of future experiments such as DUNE.
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    (2023) Sun, Yipeng; Franco Sevilla, Manuel; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider provides a unique opportunityto study flavor physics with high luminosity. One topic in flavor physics is lepton flavor universality (LFU), a property of the standard model (SM) which requires the three generations of leptons (e, µ, τ) couple to gauge bosons of the eletroweak interactions with the same strength. It is an important probe for testing the validity of the SM and possibly providing hints to new physics beyond the SM. This thesis presents a preliminary framework for the measurement of R(D(∗)), a proxy to test LFU, defined as the ratio of branching fractions B(B → D(∗)τ −ντ)/B(B → D(∗)µ−νµ), with LHCb 2016 data. Another topic of the thesis is the upgrade of the LHCb Upstream Tracker (UT) which greatly increases the readout rate of the detector and removes limitations due to hardware trigger, paving the way for future precision measurements with even higher luminosity.
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    Experimental study of semitauonic B_c decays and development of the Upstream Tracker electronics for the LHCb upgrade
    (2023) Yang, Zishuo; Jawahery, Abolhassan; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is designed for studying the properties of heavy quarks and CP violation to indirectly search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. The first topic of this dissertation is a study of semitauonic B_c meson decays at LHCb to test the universality of the couplings of charged leptons in electroweak interactions, which is known as lepton flavor universality in the Standard Model. The second topic of this dissertation is the development of readout electronics for a new silicon-strip tracking detector, the Upstream Tracker, to upgrade the LHCb detector. The upgraded LHCb detector will collect much more data in the upcoming runs of the Large Hadron Collider.