Physics Theses and Dissertations

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    Developing Methods and Theories for Modeling Student Leadership and Students' Experiences of Academic Support
    (2024) Dalka, Robert Paul; Turpen, Chandra; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation brings together two research strands that study: (a) the ways in which physics and STEM students contribute to growing capacity for institutional change within collaborative teams and (b) the support structures of graduate programs through an innovative methodology grounded in network science. The first research strand is explored within two different team environments, one of a student-centric interinstitutional team and a second of departmental change teams. Across both of these contexts, I identify how by engaging in an interaction-based agency, students are able to jointly define their own roles and the projects they pursue. In comparing across these contexts, we identify how students navigate different leadership structures and how this can support or limit student contributions in these teams. A central contribution of this work is a model for cultivating capacity for change through shared leadership and relational agency. This model captures how capacity can be built in different domains tied to the activity systems of the work. We show how this model can help practitioners and facilitators better partner with students as well as how researchers can use this model to capture how students contribute to the work of the team. The second research strand focuses on developing and applying an innovative methodology for network analysis of Likert-style surveys. This methodology generates a meaningful network based on survey item response similarity. I show how researchers can use modular analysis of the network to identify larger themes built from the connections of particular aspects. Additionally, I apply this methodology to provide a unique interpretation of responses to the Aspects of Student Experience Scale instrument for well-defined demographic groups to show how thematic clusters identified in the full data set re-emerge or change for different groups of respondents. These results are important for practitioners who seek to make targeted changes to their physics graduate programs in hopes of seeing particular benefits for particular groups. This dissertation opens up lines for future work within both strands. The model for building capacity for change draws attention to the mediating processes that emerge on a team and in students’ interactions with others. This model can be developed further to include additional constructs and leadership structures, as well as explore the relevance to other academic contexts. For quantitative researchers, the network analysis for Likert-style surveys methodology is widely applicable and provides a new way to investigate the wide range of phenomena assessed by Likert-style surveys.
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    (2018) Hemingway, Deborah; Losert, Wolfgang; Redish, Edward F; Biophysics (BIPH); Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation pulls from the fields of physics, biology, and education to address novel problems both in current biological research on collective cell migration and in a reformed introductory physics for life science (IPLS) course. In collective cell migration, cells communicate with each other via a number of means including via signaling pathways. In developing zebrafish, a select group of cells called the posterior lateral line primordium (pLLp) is known to communicate with each other via two types of signaling pathways, Wnt and Fgf. In this work, we examine another signaling pathway, BMP, to gain insight into its role in the migratory behavior of the pLLp. My results demonstrate that BMP signaling is vital to successful migration and show that BMP affects the cohesiveness (cell-cell adhesions), directionality (direction of migration), and migratory speed of the cells in the pLLp. These results and insight were obtained through both modeling the biological system and utilizing concepts and analytical tools prevalent in physics. As part of the continuing reforms for the IPLS courses at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) I proposed and developed a novel methodology for curriculum development that is based on my own experimental biophysics research on collective cell migration. As a researcher, I used the tools and principles of physics to gain insight in the biological system and in parallel, I propose that “cross-disciplinary authenticity” is achieved when the tools and principles of one discipline are utilized to gain insight into a secondary discipline. I outline the methodology for achieving such, include an example problem set that is based on my research, and discuss the results from the deployment of the problem set in the IPLS course.
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    Mathematical Sensemaking Via Epistemic Games
    (2018) Eichenlaub, Mark; Redish, Edward F; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In this thesis, I study some aspects of how students learn to use math to make sense of physical phenomena. Solving physics problems usually requires dealing with algebraic expressions. That can take the form of reading equations you’re given, manipulating them, or creating them. It’s possible to use equations simply according to formal rules of algebra, but most students also learn to interpret the equations and use the equations as ways to bolster their physical understanding. Here, I report on three years of studying this mathematical sensemaking an introductory physics for life sciences course at the University of Maryland. There are both qualitative and quantitative threads to this work. The qualitative work analyzes a series of problem-solving interviews. First, I use case studies from these interviews to survey the variety of rich cognitive tools students bring to bear on problems around use of algebraic expressions and equations and make observations on potential applications to instruction. Next, I draw a connection between the ontological metaphors students use for equations and the epistemic games they play while solving problems. I show that certain ontological metaphors are used significantly more often in playing certain e-games, and describe the significance of this finding for problem solving. The quantitative thread of this thesis describes how my collaborators and I created and analyzed the Math Epistemic Games Survey, a math concept inventory that studies how students’ uptake of problem-solving strategies such as “check the extreme cases” progressed over the year-long physics course. I show that students on average make little progress on the MEGS over a semester, which suggests that curriculum development in this area has great potential upside. Finally, I test several different methods of analyzing the multiple-choice test data that go beyond counting correct and incorrect answers to extract lessons from the distractors students choose. Using these methods on computer-simulated data and real data from the MEGS, I caution against drawing too-strong conclusions from their results.
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    (2018) Sohr, Erin Ronayne; Elby, Andrew; Gupta, Ayush; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation covers two distinct threads of research; both threads focus on understanding student-thinking in quantum mechanics and then draw implications for future research and instruction. The primary goal of this collection of work is, in any way possible, to improve instruction and find ways to better support students in their learning. The first thread of research focuses on tension negotiation in collaborative group problem-solving. While group-work has become more commonplace in physics classes, this research provides instructors some means of seeing just how complicated group dynamics can be. In particular, I highlight one interactional pattern through which students resolve tension emerging in group interaction by closing conversations or conversational topics. In doing so, students leave some conceptual line of reasoning unresolved. This work provides important insights into helping instructors understand and respond to group dynamics and conversational closings. The second thread of work focuses on flexible representation use. This thread has two similar lines of research. The first focuses on how particular representations (wavefunction and external potential graphs) associated with the infinite-well and finite-well potentials can be used by students as tools to learn with. Adapting these models to new situations can lead to deeper understandings of both the model being adapted and the new situation. In some cases, the process of adaptation is not impeded by the student lacking a sophisticated understanding of the model being adapted. The second line of research on representation use focuses on the reflexiveness of student inquiry with representations. In reflexive reasoning, the student’s sense-making shapes, and is shaped by, the representations they draw and animate. This form of inquiry stands in contrast with traditional notions of proficiency in using representations which tend to highlight reproducing standard representational forms and then reading-out information from those forms. In this work, I highlight how this non-linear, reflexive sense-making is supported by the development of coherent, coupled systems of representations and attention to particular figural features, leading to the generation of new meaning.
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    Interdisciplinary Reasoning about Energy in an Introductory Physics Course for the Life Sciences
    (2014) Dreyfus, Benjamin William; Redish, Edward F; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Energy is a unifying concept that cuts across physics, chemistry, and biology. However, students who study all three disciplines can end up with a fragmented understanding of energy. This dissertation sits at the intersection of two active areas of current research: the teaching and learning of energy, and interdisciplinary science education (particularly the intersection of physics and biology). The context for this research is an introductory physics course for undergraduate life sciences majors that is reformed to build stronger interdisciplinary connections between physics, biology, and chemistry. An approach to energy that incorporates chemical bonds and chemical reactions is better equipped to meet the needs of life sciences students than a traditional introductory physics approach that focuses primarily on mechanical energy, and so we present a curricular thread for chemical energy in the physics course. Our first set of case studies examines student reasoning about ATP hydrolysis, a biochemically significant reaction that powers various processes in the cell. We observe students expressing both that an energy input is required to break a chemical bond (which they associate with physics) and that energy is released when the phosphate bond is broken in ATP (which they associate with biology). We use these case studies to articulate a model of interdisciplinary reconciliation: building coherent connections between concepts from different disciplines while understanding each concept in its own disciplinary context and justifying the modeling choices in deciding when to use each disciplinary model. Our second study looks at ontological metaphors for energy: metaphors about what kind of thing energy is. Two ontological metaphors for energy that have previously been documented include energy as a substance and energy as a location. We argue for the use of negative energy in modeling chemical energy in an interdisciplinary context, and for the use of a blended substance/location ontology in reasoning about negative energy. Our data show students and experts using the blended ontology productively when the two ontologies are combined in a coherent structure, as well as students getting confused when the ontologies are not coherently combined.
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    Do Students Have Cultural Scripts? Results from the First Implementation of Open Source Tutorials in Japan
    (2013) Hull, Michael Malvern; Elby, Andrew; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In the 1980's and 1990's, results from flurries of standardized exams (particularly in 4th and 8th grade mathematics and science) reached the attention of ever-growing numbers of Americans with an alarming message: our children are not even close to keeping up with those in China, Japan, and Korea. As a step towards improving American classrooms, cross-cultural education researchers began to investigate differences in classroom structure, curricular content and focus, and attitudes and beliefs of students towards learning. Inspired American teachers tried to capitalize on these observed differences by making their classrooms look (for example) "more Japanese" and frequently met with failure. Researchers have used the differences in student beliefs as a justification for this failure: "Japanese students believe different things about what classroom learning should look like than American students do. If you teach American students in a way that clashes with their beliefs about learning, it's no surprise that the students don't buy in to it and the lesson doesn't succeed!" This response has discouraged teachers from haphazardly trying to change their classrooms so as to resemble more successful ones. At the same time, this message, in addition to the methods, analyses, and discussions surrounding the observations of student beliefs in general, have treated beliefs as being something determined by the culture in which the student grows up in, and as being stable and robust. Based upon research findings in cognitive science about the fluidity of student beliefs, we hypothesized that the treatment of student beliefs as being stable is overly simplistic and ineffective at describing certain classroom phenomena that would be of interest to the cross-cultural education research field. We felt such phenomena could be instructional to American educators, and that a failure to understand such phenomena would imply a failure to learn from these classrooms. We hypothesized that, were we to introduce reformed physics curriculum from America to students in Japan, we would observe context-dependency in how students approached the material. Furthermore, we hypothesized that this curriculum, which was motivated by the assumption that students have multiple ways of approaching knowing and learning, would be productive in the Japanese classroom. Either of these results would go against the tacit assumption of the cross-cultural education research field that students have a stable belief about how learning should take place, and would cast doubt on such a framework. Curriculum developed and tested at the University of Maryland was translated into Japanese and implemented in the spring semester of 2011 at Tokyo Gakugei University. Based upon available literature on the education system in Japan, we hypothesized that students would be entering the college classroom having had three years of cramming for entrance exams in high school and would likely think of physics as something to be learned from authority, by listening to lectures and taking notes. We also hypothesized that many of these students would maintain intellectual resources developed from primary school experiences of working in groups to draw upon their own ideas and experiences to construct knowledge on their own. We chose curriculum intended to get students to act more like they had in primary school than they had in high school, and we hypothesized that although such curriculum would be surprising to the students, they would nevertheless not find it difficult to shift in their beliefs about learning physics to an attitude that "physics can be personally understood and one's own experiences are important in constructing relevant knowledge." For six months, I observed student reactions via various means including semi-structured student interviews, video recordings of the classes, and asking the course instructors about their perceptions of how students were responding. This study has found that, indeed, although most students did enter the class with beliefs about physics and expectations about how to learn it, that they had no difficulty adapting to this style of learning that violated those beliefs. One reason for the ease of this adaptation given by students is that they had experienced something similar to this learning style in primary school. To summarize, we found: - Students easily adopted the new curriculum in the first few classes - Some students made it clear that the class had changed their attitude about physics and what it means to learn physics - Evidence that primary school was a resource on which many students may have drawn Whereas the current perspective on student beliefs used by the cross-cultural education research community would have predicted that a curriculum incompatible with student beliefs about learning would have been a struggle, this was not what happened. This dissertation thus stands as a call to the community to reconsider the concept of a cultural script, and more generally of the fluidity of student beliefs. This is relevant not only for cross-cultural education researchers, but also for teachers reluctant to introduce a curriculum that goes against student beliefs of how learning should take place.