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In Computer Engineering, packing problems play a central role in many aspects of hardware control. The field aims to maximize computer processing speed, network throughput, and dependability in industry applications. Many of these constrained maximization problems can be expressed as packing problems in integer programming when working with restrictions such as latency, memory size, race conditions, power, and component availability. Some of the most crucial of these integer programming problems are NP-hard for the global optimum. Therefore, real-world applications heavily rely on heuristics and meta-heuristics to find good solutions. With recent developments in quantum meta-heuristic methods and promising results in experimental quantum computing systems, quantum computing is rapidly becoming more and more relevant for complex real-world combinatorial optimization tasks. This thesis is about applications of quantum combinatorial optimization algorithms in classical computer engineering problems. These include novel quantum computing techniques that respect the constraints of state-of-the-art experimental quantum systems. This thesis includes five projects.

FASTER QUANTUM CONCENTRATION VIA GROVER'S SEARCH:One of the most important challenges in information networks is to gather data from a larger set of nodes to a smaller set of nodes. This can be done via the use of a concentrator architecture in the connection topology. This chapter is a proof-of-concept that demonstrates a quantum-based controller in large interconnection networks can asymptotically perform this task faster. We specifically present quantum algorithms for routing concentration assignments on full-capacity fat-and-slim concentrators, bounded fat-and-slim concentrators, and regular fat-and-slim concentrators. Classically, the concentration assignment takes O(n) time on all these concentrators, where n is the number of inputs. Powered by Grover's quantum search algorithm, our algorithms take O(√(nc) ln(c)) time, where c is the capacity of the concentrator. Thus, our quantum algorithms are asymptotically faster than their classical counterparts when (c ln^2(c))=o(n). In general, c = n^μ satisfies (c ln^2(c))=o(n), implying a time complexity of O(n^(0.5(1+ μ )) ln (n)), for any μ, 0 < μ < 1.

QUANTUM ADVERSARIAL LEARNING IN EMULATION OF MONTE-CARLO METHODS FOR MAX-CUT APPROXIMATION: QAOA IS NOT OPTIMAL:One of the leading candidates for near-term quantum advantage is the class of Variational Quantum Algorithms. However, these algorithms suffer from classical difficulty in optimizing the variational parameters as the number of parameters increases. Therefore, it is important to understand the expressibility and power of various ansätze to produce target states and distributions. To this end, we apply notions of emulation to Variational Quantum Annealing and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) to show that variational annealing schedules with equivalent numbers of parameters outperform QAOA. Our Variational Quantum Annealing schedule is based on a novel polynomial parameterization that can be optimized in a similar gradient-free way as QAOA, using the same physical ingredients. In order to compare the performance of ansätze types, we have developed statistical notions of Monte-Carlo methods. Monte-Carlo methods are computer programs that generate random variables that approximate a target number that is computationally hard to calculate exactly. While the most well-known Monte-Carlo method is Monte-Carlo integration (e.g., Diffusion Monte-Carlo or path-integral quantum Monte-Carlo), QAOA is itself a Monte-Carlo method that finds good solutions to NP-complete problems such as Max-cut. We apply these statistical Monte-Carlo notions to further elucidate the theoretical framework around these quantum algorithms.

SCHEDULING JOBS IN A SHARED HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTER WITH A NISQ COMPUTER:Several quantum approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems have been described in the literature. The properties of quantum approximation algorithms have been well-explored for optimization problems of Ising type with 2-local Hamiltonians. A wide range of optimization problems can be mapped to Ising problems. However, the mapping overhead of many problem instances puts them out of the reach of Noisy Intermediate-scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. In this chapter, we develop a way of mapping constrained optimization problems to higher-order spin interactions to put a larger set of problem instances within reach of spin interaction devices with potential NISQ applications. We demonstrate the growth in the practicable set of problem instances by comparing the resource requirements as a function of coupling. As an example, we have demonstrated our techniques on the problem of scheduling jobs in a high-performance computer queue with limited memory and CPUs.

PROTEIN STRUCTURES WITH OSCILLATING QPACKER:A significant challenge in designing proteins for therapeutic purposes is determining the structure of a protein to find the sidechain identities given a protein backbone. This problem can be easily and efficiently encoded as a quadratic binary optimization problem. There has been a significant effort to find ways to solve these problems in the field of quantum information, both exactly and approximately. An important initiative has applied experimental quantum annealing platforms to solve this problem and got promising results. This project is about optimizing the annealing schedule for the sidechain identity problem, inspired by cutting-edge developments in the algorithmic theory of quantum annealing.

ON THE COMPLEXITY OF GENERALIZED DISCRETE LOGARITHM PROBLEM:The Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problem (GDLP) is an extension of the Discrete Logarithm Problem where the goal is to find x∈ℤ_s such that g^x mod s=y for a given g,y∈ℤ_s. The generalized discrete logarithm is similar, but instead of a single base element, it uses a number of base elements that do not necessarily commute. In this chapter, we prove that GDLP is NP-hard for symmetric groups. The lower-bound complexity of GDLP has been an open question since GDLP was defined in 2008 until our proof. Furthermore, we prove that GDLP remains NP-hard even when the base elements are permutations of at most three elements. Lastly, we discuss the implications and possible implications of our proofs in classical and quantum complexity theory.

