Pound, MarcWolfire, MarkWe use a Github open-source public repository (https://github.com/mpound/pdrtpy) that includes the Python package code, text documentation files, and the FITS files of the models. Code is checked against the PEP8 coding style and regression and integration tests are run and at code check-in using Github Actions. For more info, see Pound & Wolfire (2022) and the github repo.These are example code listings for the PhotoDissociation Region Toolbox (https://dustem.astro.umd.edu), and companion to the manuscript "The PhotoDissociation Region Toolbox: Software and Models for Astrophysical Analysis", by Pound & Wolfire (2022). These code snippets show typical ways to use the Toolbox and reproduce most of the figures in the manuscript. The code is written in Python 3 and demonstrate the pdrtpy Python package (https://pdrtpy.readthedocs.io).en-USphotodissociation regionPython data analysisinterstellar gasExample code listings for the PhotoDissociation Region ToolboxDataset