Michail, AnastassiosEphremides, AnthonyIn this paper we study the effects of limited bandwidthresources in the development of energy-efficient routing algorithmsfor connection-oriented traffic in fixed wireless ad-hoc networks. Afrequency division multiple access scheme is considered, in whichnodes must schedule their transmissions by selecting frequencychannels from a limited set in an interference-free fashion. <p>In ourearlier work, we had developed a set of algorithms for determiningend-to-end unicast paths based on link metrics. We argue that inorderto address the effects of limited frequency resources,such algorithms must be coupled with channel allocation mechanismsfor providing conflict free frequency assignments over selectedroutingpaths. <p>To these ends, we propose a set of link metricsfor selecting candidate routing paths and a set of heuristics forfrequency allocation. We evaluate their performance using ourdetailedsimulation model.en-USGlobal Communication SystemsRouting Session Traffic in Fixed All-Wireless Networks under Energy and Bandwidth LimitationsTechnical Report