Langmead, Sara GoldfarbBuilding materials outlive people. What we build is left for the next generation as a resource and as an artifact of our own time. This thesis explores how we can alter our existing building stock to become more environmentally sustainable. By examining the common ground between the conservation of the built world and the conservation of the natural world, we can redefine stewardship for the present age. Let our built legacy express that we value history, culture, and consideration for the prosperity of future generations. As a case study, the practice of sustainable retrofitting will be implemented at an abandoned building campus in Silver Spring, Maryland. Designed in 1927 for the National Association of Dyers and Cleaners, these buildings retain their dignity despite years of poor stewardship. The site has the potential to exemplify how historic buildings can become a sustainable resource for the future of an expanding, diverse community.Sustainable Heritage: Retrofitting Historic Buildings for Improved Environmental PerformanceThesisArchitectureSustainabilityCultural Resources Managementarchitecturedesignenvironmenthistoricpreservationsustainability