Maryland Institute for Technology in the HumanitiesLester, DavidThe Text-Image Linking Environment (TILE) was awarded in 2009 by an NEH Preservation and Access grant to create the next generation of technical infrastructure supporting imagebased editions and electronic archives of humanities content. With diverse partners including the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (led by Doug Reside and Dave Lester), Indiana University Bloomington, the Royal Irish Academy, the University of Oregon, and Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies. Despite the proliferation of image-based editions and archives, the linking of images and textual information remains a slow and frustrating process for editors and curators. TILE, proposed as an extension of the NEH-funded AXE image tagger (, was intended to increase the ease and efficiency of linking images and text within a web interface.en-USDigital HumanitiesText EncodingThe Text-Image Linking Environment (TILE) [Final Performance Report]Technical Report