Iseki, HiroyukiThis particular poster presentation describes a web-based analysis tool that is hosted by the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies and is publicly available to transit agencies interested in identifying which service quality changes (e.g. amenities, information, lighting, etc.) to transit stops/stations are most important for improving levels of transit users’ satisfaction. This program is based on a series of research projects funded by California Department of Transportation since 2005 (see in collaboration with researchers from multiple universities, including Hiroyuki Iseki from the National Center for Smart Growth. This phase of research—TASC project—is groundbreaking in that it provides planners an analysis of the relative importance of various improvements, uses community-based input, and can be applied at the level of individual stops/stations, across a group of stops/stations, or across the transit system as a whole. The program provides a graphical representation of users’ levels of satisfaction juxtaposed on top of the importance of various service qualities. In short, it provides a clear indication of how best to invest increasingly scarce transit resources to improve customer satisfaction in attributes that matter to transit customers. The poster focuses on a description of the process for using the tool – downloading the survey forms, conducting a user survey, uploading survey results, and downloading analysis results – and highlights examples of how the analysis can be performed at different levels of analysis to meet different needs.en-USTransportationtransitstationservice qualitytransit stoprider satisfactionTool for Assessing Station Characteristics (TASC): Identifying Service Quality Improvements at Transit Stops and StationsTechnical Report