Abban, JohnLuna, AlondraGaunaurd, PierreBardsley, JesseDelMonico, JeffreyFranklin, KristenJohnson, NicholasMitchell, CaitlynWoldu, MartaSpaniol, MatthewURS688M: Recent Developments in Urban Studies; Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (Spring 2022). University of Maryland, College Park.A class of Urban Planning and Geography students use county data to categorize every road in Prince George's county and assign it a stress value for bikers. Working with PG Planning and the local Vision Zero team, the GIS application depicts every county road color-coated with bike difficulty.en-USNational Center for Smart GrowthPALSSustainabilityMarylandPrince George's CountyBicycleRecreationBicycle SafetyGISGeographyData AnalysisVision ZeroDeveloping a Bicycle Network Map for Prince George's CountyMap