Liu, Mingyan D.Baras, John S.In this paper, we consider a class of loss networks where multipletraffic classes are present, each has different bandwidth requirement,and each traffic stream is routed according to an adaptive routingscheme. <p>The performance metric of interest is the end-to-end call blockingprobability. Blocking probabilities in a loss network have been studiedquite extensively but very few considered multiple traffic classes andrates together with adaptive/state dependent routing.<p>We propose a fixed-point method, a.k.a. reduced load approximation,to estimate the end-to-end blocking probability in a multihop, multirateloss network with adaptive routing. Simulation results are provided tocompare with that of approximations. The approximation scheme is shownto be asymptotically correct in a natural limiting regime, and it givesconservative estimates of blocking probabilities under heavy trafficload.en-USloss networkfix-point approximationreduced loadblocking probabilityAdaptive RoutingFixed Point Approximation for Multirate Multihop Loss Networks with Adaptive RoutingTechnical Report