Tzannes, AlexandrosCaragea, George C.Vishkin, UziBarua, RajeevIn this technical report, we present information on the XMTC compiler and language. We start by presenting the XMTC Memory Model and the issues we encountered when using GCC, the popular GNU compiler for C and other sequential languages, as the basis for a compiler for XMTC, a parallel language. These topics, along with some information on XMT specific optimizations were presented in [10]. Then, we proceed to give some more details on how outer spawn statements (i.e., parallel loops) are compiled to take advantage of XMT’s unique hardware primitives for scheduling flat parallelism and how we incremented this basic compiler to support nested parallelism.en-USThe compiler for the XMTC parallel language: Lessons for compiler developers and in-depth descriptionTechnical Report