Fults, Kandice KreamerIn previous research, children have been shown to be involved in pedestrian-vehicular crashes in high numbers due to improper pedestrian behaviors. Little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between schools and pedestrian crashes. This study analyzes pedestrian-vehicular crashes in the City of Baltimore, Maryland to determine any relationships that may exist between crashes near public schools and the physical and social attributes of these schools. It was found that the presence of a driveway decreases crash occurrence and severity. A setback from the road will decrease crash occurrence but increase the severity of the crashes. The presence of off-street parking was shown to increase the severity of a crash, particularly for children ages 16-18. Recreational facilities are shown to increase the crash occurrence and severity of crashes. This study however, is limited as it does not include pedestrian demand data and the results should be interpreted as such.en-USAn Analysis of Pedestrian-Vehicular Crashes Near Public Schools in the City of Baltimore, MarylandThesisEngineering, CivilTransportationUrban and Regional Planningschoolscrashespedestrianland usebuilt environmentchildren