Costar, Holly M.Factors related to the posttraumatic growth experiences of spouses of breast cancer survivors, including optimism, self-mastery, coping styles, marital satisfaction, and social support, were examined. Results indicated the existence of a positive relationship between posttraumatic growth and optimism, social support, and several coping styles, including problem-solving, reframing, seeking support, and New Directions. Posttraumatic growth was negatively related to avoidance coping. A curvilinear relationship existed between self-mastery and posttraumatic growth. The New Directions coping style and the interaction between social support and time since wife's diagnosis were also found to significantly predict posttraumatic growth. These findings contribute to a growing body of knowledge about positive growth after trauma and may have implications for future research and practice.en-USFactors Contributing to the Development of Posttraumatic Growth in Spouses of Breast Cancer SurvivorsThesisPsychology, Clinical