Glen-Williams, MichaelLamprea-Barragan, TaniaFinal Project for PLCY 734: Foundation of Social Policy (Fall 2023). University of Maryland, College ParkThis paper is a product of the Foundation of Social Policy research project, partnering with UMD’s Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS). It aims to shed light on affordability concerns surrounding rural housing in Maryland. We’ve been tasked by the Rural Maryland Council (RMC) to assess state policies from around the nation that have developed successful affordable-housing programs and to provide details on implementation in Maryland. The report’s primary goal is to offer a comprehensive examination of the challenges and barriers associated with rural housing affordability. Furthermore, the report endeavors to pinpoint key stakeholders and initiatives that have shaped rural housing policy in Maryland. Through these analyses, we aim to gain insights into the issue, enabling us to formulate meaningful recommendations and potential strategies to tackle these pressing challenges effectively.National Center for Smart GrowthPALSHistoric PreservationArchitecturePlanningReal EstateMarylandSchool of Public PolicyFall 2023Shanna PearsonAffordable HousingEconomic DevelopmentCommunity and Social SustainabilityAffordable Housing Preservation and Development AnalysisReport