Zhou, HanThis dissertation presents different configurations of active Acoustic MetaMaterials (AMM) which are proposed in order to control the flow of vibration and acoustic wave propagations in various applications. Distinct among these configurations is a 1-dimensional (1D) periodic array which consists of an assembly of active acoustic unit cells which are provided with programmable piezoelectric elements. By tuning the structural properties of these cells, the 1D array can impede the wave propagation over specific frequency ranges. In order to achieve non-reciprocal acoustic wave transmission of the AMMs, three different methodologies are introduced including active control of the piezoelectric elements using virtual gyroscopic control actions, eigenstructure shaping controller, and finally spatial-temporal modulation algorithm.Theoretical models are developed to investigate the fundamentals and the underlying physical phenomena associated with all the considered three AMM configurations. Experimental prototypes of all these AMM configurations are built and tested to demonstrate their effectiveness in controlling the propagation of vibration and noise through these materials. Furthermore, the experimental results are used to validate the developed theoretical models. The developed theoretical and experimental approaches are envisioned to be valuable tools in the design of arrays of AMM for various applications which are only limited by our imagination.enACTIVE NON-RECIPROCAL ACOUSTIC METAMATERIALSDissertationMechanical engineeringAcousticsAcoustic metamaterialsActive controlEigen-structure assignment controlNonrecirprocal metamaterialsSpatiotemporal modulationSystem idendification