Guay, BethBloch Shapiro, RachelKing, DonnaIn 2011, one of the authors, a staff member of the Metadata Services Department at the University of Maryland, College Park, created an electronic resources cataloging management database (ERCM) to manage the details of MARC record set loads to the online catalog. After attending the NISO Standards update session entitled “The NISO ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review” presentation at the 2012 Annual Conference of the American Library Association, at which cataloging workflow support was referred to as a problem area in electronic resources management, she decided to follow up with an investigation of the nature of the problem and to explore its relevancy to the ERCM. This article will inform metadata services departments about the management of constantly changing electronic resources cataloging workflows and also discuss cataloging workflow as it pertains to Electronic Resources Management System (ERMS) development.ERMElectronic resources managementElectronic resources cataloging workflowsManagement of E-Resources Cataloging Workflows at the University of Maryland, College ParkOther