Madsen, Joshua DavidThe purpose of this thesis is to provide research, supporting paperwork, production photographs, and other sundry materials that document the scenic design for the co-production between the University of Maryland - College Park, Department of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies and the Georgetown University, Department of Theatre titled <italic>A Child Shall Them: The Making of The Night of The Hunter</italic>. This thesis contains the following: research images collected to develop and communicate ideas about location, shapes, forms, texture, scale, mood, and historical reference to the production team; preliminary sketches and photographs of the 1/4" scale model, visual tools used to convey the ideas of the scenic design; a full set of drafting plates and paint elevations used to communicate the look of each scenic element to the technical director and paint charge; a unit list providing detailed information about each element of the scenic design; a props list detailing each prop used in the production; prop/paint research images, used to visually support the information in the unit and prop list; and additional ground plans and paperwork generated during the rehearsal process. Archival production photographs are included as documentation of the completed design.A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM: THE MAKING OF THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER - A SCENIC DESIGNThesisTheaterDesignScenic