Tomasini, Silvina JuliaSince the creation of writing, literature has been circulating in different formats, such as the scroll and codex. Nowadays, digital textualities are changing the way we read and write, and also the way texts circulate in the writing culture. For Brazilian contemporary literature, the use of Internet has become almost central for the circulation and divulgation of this vigorous and heterogeneous production. My Web project, Brasil papeles sueltos, aims to divulgate Brazilian literature in translation into Spanish in order to allow Spanish-speakers to have access to this production. The page presents literary translations and contemporary debates on literature. As digital text allows us to experiment with different ways of creating texts -using its inner characteristics, such as hyperlinks- these new textualities are a potential tool to experiment and consider new ideas about translation.Proyecto Web Brasil Papeles sueltos. Textualidades digitales y traducciónThesisLatin American literatureEspañolInternetLiteratura brasileña contemporáneaProyecto WebTexto digitalTraducción