Munster, IreneMaggie, SaponaroNevenka, ZdravkovskaTanner, WrayIn a unique partnership between the campus Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Public Services, a pilot project was held May 24th – July 28th 2010 in order to allow Library employees to gain hands-on experience with mobile technologies. Eighty-four librarians and staff participated in the Pilot, fifty-five of which were Librarians and other staff who received “loaner” iPod Touch devices provided by OIT. The remaining 29 participants either shared a device with a pilot member, or used their own personal device (iPod Touch or iPhone). The Pilot was held during the summer due to device availability. Because the Pilot originated within Public Services, a majority of participants were from this division, but all divisions were represented. Learning outcomes were identified for the Pilot, and measured through a pilot-end survey e-mailed to all Pilot participants. Fifty-two survey responses were received, a 62% response rate.enUM Libraries Mobile Technologies Pilot Final ReportOther