Stabler, Jennifer A.Little, Barbara J.Part of the State Circle Site: State Circle well, discovered during the larger State Circle archaeological investigatons, is believed to be a late 18th-century public well. The moist environment of a well preserves ceramic, glass, metal, and organic material. It was hoped that intact 18th and 19th centuiy domestic deposits were preserved in the well shaft. Because of time constraints, a three-inch diameter core was extracted from the well shaft, which extended thirty-five feet below surface. The results of the coring process enabled archaeologists to make a final decision not to excavate the well shaft. Historical documentation showed that the well was covered and had a pump and was still in use around 1900. The well had been filled in early in the 20th century with soil brought in from elsewhere.ArchaeologyAnnapolis, MarylandState Circle public well18AP61Archaeological Investigation of the State Circle Public Well, 18AP61, #40 and #42 State Circle, Annapolis, Maryland