Stokes, Bridget AllisonHealth disparities in physical, psychological, and social well-being are known to exist among underserved and marginalized populations, and although it is widely accepted that public parks and greenspaces can provide these physical, mental and social benefits, underserved and minority communities are more likely to have an unequitable distribution of quality parks. Quality and maintenance of parks are important because neglect of existing parks can cause parks to be dangerous and unwelcoming spaces that diminish the value and benefits that these greenspaces can provide for residents. Underserved communities cannot typically afford landscape architecture services and historically, residents of these communities have been left out of the decision-making process when funding for parks have been distributed. One way that these distributional and procedural environmental injustices can be solved is through the work of non-profit community development organizations that utilize community engagement tools. Using a participatory design approach, this thesis explores how to redesign Duane Avenue Park, a neglected park located in south Baltimore, Maryland. The park design will be used by a local non-profit, the Greater Baybrook Alliance, to write proposals for grant funding for the future implementation of the Park. By researching literature related to this topic, performing site inventory and analysis, and conducting thorough stakeholder and community engagement through surveys, in-person events, and one-on-one interactions, I created a proposed site plan that addressed the following design goals: Goal 1: Improve Perception of Safety & Discourage Negative Uses Goal 2: Design an Adventure Park that Encourages Play and Connections with Nature Goal 3: Create Spaces for Gathering and other Activity Generators Goal 4: Incorporate Public Art While this is not meant to provide evidence that one park can resolve all the issues a community faces, it can show that parks can be part of a larger community strategy that can help to address some issues such as health disparities, safety, and environmental justice.enDESIGNING FOR THE PEOPLE: A PARTICIPATORY DESIGN APPROACH FOR DUANE AVENUE PARKThesisLandscape architectureCommunity DevelopmentCommunity EngagementCPTEDEnvironmental JusticePark DesignParticipatory Design