Nickens, WaynePatchell, BeverlyMost of what is written and said about healing is focused on the individual aiid their personal pursuit of the experience of being healed. The Healing Community shifts that focus to a larger perspective. Indigenous people have recognized the importance of community for centuries, ideiitifi/iiig the zvorst possible consequence for behavior as banishment or exile from their cotnmunity, not death. In the holistic view, life and death are seen as being on a continuum that occurs within a community, with all being valued. It is lime to release our self-imposed and society endorsed exuefrom what truly heals our relationship with a greater Power and each other.PracticeinterventionsHealthHealingCommunityNative MedicineNursesDoctorsIndigenous PeopleCREATING A HEALING COMMUNITY: THE ROLE FOR PHYSICIANS AND NURSESArticle