Kuhlman, JuliaThe phrase “creative placemaking” is described by the American Planning Association as a set of different but related practices that engage “community members, artists, arts and culture organizations, community developers, and other stakeholders use arts and cultural strategies to implement community-led change.” Most often, creative placemaking strategies are generated by arts practitioners and struggle to find funding and partners in local government. This places Prince George’s County Park and Planning in a unique position: if it chooses to use creative placemaking, the burden of finding resources is somewhat more easily achievable, though it will need to find and engage community members and arts practitioners. The agency can help to scale-up projects that are already underway.en-USNational Center for Smart GrowthPALSSustainabilityMarylandCreative PlacemakingPrince George's CountyLargoMusicArtThe Sounds of Prince George’s County: An Introduction to Creative PlacemakingTechnical Report