Szajda, DougHawkin, SimonAgrawala, AshokNetworks with time-cyclic allocation of node resources (e.g. SONET or a wireless network using TDMA media access scheduling) require a degree of synchronization in order to guarantee that cycle lengths and drifts remain within acceptable tolerances. Cyclone is a class of such networks. By requiring applications to reserve resources in both time and space, a balance is achieved between arriving and departing flows, ensuring a lack of congestion and eliminating the need for flow control. This paper presents a lightweight cycle synchronization algorithm for Cyclone networks, and shows through both theoretical analysis and simulation that even in the presence of timing errors, both cycle length jitter and cycle phase differences fall well within tolerable levels. (Cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-2001-17)en-USCycle Synchronization in Cyclone NetworksTechnical Report