Jordan, MargaretResearch exploitation is a topic often relegated to history books and introductory ethics courses with the implication that these insidious practices could never thrive in today’s enlightened and humanistic world. While much progress has been made in the standards and oversight of research projects, participation in research is not a risk-free endeavor, and every protection available to participants should be made readily accessible. While many ethical consideration trainings exist for investigators and their teams, trainings that focus on the experience and rights of the participant are lacking. In this literature review and lesson plan development, the author outlines important considerations around research participation and best practices for building a workshop and provides a suggested lesson plan based on collected literature.en“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE FROM ME?” CONSIDERATIONS FOR DEVELOPING A TAILORED COMMUNITY CENTERED HUMAN SUBJECTS AND RESEARCH PROTECTIONS AND RESEARCH ETHICS WORKSHOPThesisPublic healthPublic health educationEthicsCommunity workshopHuman Subjects ResearchResearch EthicsResearch literacyResearch protectionsResearch recruitment