Lee, Jyh-JoneTsai, L.W.This paper investigates some dynamic characteristics of tendon- driven manipulators. The dynamic equations including the effect of rotor inertia for a class of n x (n +1) tendon-driven manipulators are formulated. A control algorithm based on the computed torqued method is developed. Then, the implementation of such control algorithm is demonstrated in the simulation of a three-DOF tendon-driven manipulator. Through the simulation, several dynamic characteristics of the system are identified. In particular, it is shown that rotor inertia can have significant effect on the system dynamics and that pretension can play an important role on the stability of the system. It is also shown that among the five non-isomorphic kinematic structures of three- DOF manipulators, the one which satisfies the isotropic transmission and least maximum tendon force conditions also requires smallest tendon force in the dynamic simulations.en-USroboticsIntelligent ServomechanismsDynamic Simulation of Tendon-Driven ManipulatorsTechnical Report