Ganginis, Amanda RachelThis thesis explores an urban intervention in Suitland Maryland. Suitland is serviced by the green line of the Washington DC metro rail system, yet it has seen little to no development or increased density. The metro services a 230 acre Federal Center that houses government employees for different government organizations. The city outside the Federal Center has earned a negative reputation of crime and poverty; however, there are many assets within miles of the Suitland Metro stop that could inspire a new vision for this area of Prince George's County. A series of new public spaces will provide the opportunity for the residents, Federal employees, and visitors to come together. A community college will also be incorporated into the new urban plan. Physical, social, and economic connections between the Federal Center, the town, and the new college are likely to create a revitalized community in Suitland, Maryland.RE-DESIGNING SUITLAND, MD AS A TOWN/GOVERNMENT/EDUCATION CENTERThesisArchitectureUrban PlanningcollegeconnectionMarylandmetroSuitlandurban