Lahmeman, William J.Summary of ProceedingsIn the summer of 1999, the National Intelligence Council tasked the University of Maryland to serve as a portal for identifying and presenting leading academic research on topics of particular interest to the US intelligence community, based on the Strategic Themes laid down by the Director of Central Intelligence. The project"s investigation into forces shaping the evolution of the nation-state will contribute to Global Trends 2015, a NIC publication due to be issued in the fall of 2000. Global Trends 2015 will describe significant international characteristics and trends likely to affect the future security of the United States. The Conference on the Evolution of the Nation-State Through 2015 was the culmination of an intensive inquiry into the factors that influence state performance and their likely effect upon state capacity, cohesion, and legitimacy in the year 2015. Several conceptual planning sessions, three one-day workshops and a number of expert consultations were conducted prior to the conference. Leading scholars in each research field applicable to the project"s central topic participated in the project. Principal project participants are listed following the Summary of Proceedings. Bill Lahneman is the Associate Director for Programs at the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland.en-USConference on the Evolution of the Nation-State through 2015Presentation