Dharmaraju, DineshRoy-Chowdhury, A.Hovareshti, PedramBaras, John S.Mobile Ad hoc NETworks(MANET) are characterized by bandwidthconstrained wireless links, multiple hops and highly dynamic topologies.Providing QoS support in MANETs is hence a challenging task. Thispaper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of INORA,which is a network layer QoS support mechanism that makes use of theINSIGNIA in-band signaling mechanism and TORA routing protocol forMANETs. TORA provides multiple routes between a given source and destination.<p>We present an effective coupling between TORA and INSIGNIA to getroutes that are "best-able" to provide QoS requirements fora flow. INORA also combines congestion control with routing.en-USGlobal Communication SystemsINORA- A Unified Signaling and Routing Protocol in Mobile AdHoc networksTechnical Report