Lim, Ji WonFrancis Poulenc, though highly regarded by many musicians for his vocal and chamber works, is not considered one of the “mainstream” composers in the world of piano music. Though praised by many musicologists and music critics for his beautiful melodies and uniquely individual writing style, Poulenc’s solo piano works have not been a major part of the recital repertoire. While searching for some less technically-demanding recital pieces due to the recent recovery of a shoulder injury, I found hidden gems of this great composer. His solo piano works are delightfully pleasing but also shockingly eccentric, light-hearted and humorous but also warm and solemn. This fascinating juxtaposition of completely contrasting ideas led to more serious research, and I began to question why his solo piano pieces are not performed more regularly. The purpose of this project is to discuss the little-known solo piano compositions of Poulenc and to re-evaluate their significance as part of classical piano literature. Possibly eclipsed by the popularity of the music by Debussy and Ravel or even by his own vocal and larger scale works, or perhaps because of the lack of virtuosity and bold emotional expression, Poulenc’s solo piano works have largely been neglected by many pianists. Focusing mainly on three relatively early compositions, Suite en ut, Huit Nocturnes, and Suite française, I hope to emphasize the value of his solo piano music through thorough examination and musical analysis using articles, interviews, diaries, and letters written by Poulenc and his contemporaries.enSIMPLY PLEASING AND UNIQUELY ORIGINAL: UNCOVERING AND RE-EVALUATING THE VALUE OF SOLO PIANO WORKS BY FRANCIS POULENCDissertation