Adomaitis, Raymond A.Lin, Yi-hungChang, Hsiao-YungA framework is presented for step-by-step implementation of weighted-residualmethods (MWR) for simulations that require the solution ofboundary-value problems. A set of Matlab-based functions ofthe computationally common MWR solution steps has beendeveloped and is used in the application of eigenfunction expansion,collocation, and Galerkin-projection discretizations oftime-dependent, distributed-parameter system models. Fourindustrially relevant examples taken from electronic materialsand chemical processing applications are used to demonstrate thesimulation approach developed.en-USchemical process controldistillation controlmathematical modelingsimulationdistributed parameter systemsIntelligent Control SystemsA Computational Framework for Boundary-Value Problem Based SimulationsTechnical Report