Veljanov, DRadoucheva, TBaykousheva, SKussovski, VIn Bulgarian.Reproduced from SciFinder, with permission from the Chemical Abstracts Service. Incubation of S. typhimurium and Y. pseudotuberculosis in 30% petroleum ether at 37° inhibited respiration more than did 0.01-0.03% Na lauryl sulfate [151-21-3]. After a 72-h incubation in 10% glycerol [56-81-5] the respiration level returned to, or approached normal. Petroleum ether also inhibited dehydrogenase [9035-82-9] activity and glycolysis more than did Na lauryl sulfate. Incubation in glycerol also reversed this inhibition. Na lauryl sulfate completely and irreversibly inhibited phosphatase [9013-05-2] at pH 5.4 and 8.0. Petroleum ether inhibited phosphatase at pH 5.4 in Y. pseudotuberculosis and at pH 8.0 in S. typhimurium.otherBaykouchevabacterialauryl sulfateinhibitionpetroleum etherglycolysisrespirationBaykouchevaFurther studies on the metabolic changes in strains of Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis after treatment with some detergents and lipid solventsArticle