Hwang, EenjunKilic, KemalSubrahmanian, V.S.Though there have been several recent efforts to develop disk based video servers, these approaches have all ignored the topic of updates and disk server crashes. In this paper, we present a priority based model for building video servers that handle two classes of events: user events that could include enter, play, pause, rewind, fast-forward, exit, as well as system events such as insert, delete, server-down, server-up that correspond to uploading new movie blocks onto the disk(s), eliminating existing blocks from the disk(s), and/or experiencing a disk server crash. We will present algorithms to handle such events. Our algorithms are provably correct, and computable in polynomial time. Furthermore, we guarantee that under certain reasonable conditions, continuing clients experience jitter free presentations. We further justify the efficiency of our techniques with a prototype implementation and experimental results. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-47)en-US"Handling Updates and Crashes in VoD Systems"Technical Report