Zhu, ChenxiCorson, M. ScottBandwidth calculation for Quality-of-Service (QoS) routing in an ad hocnetwork employing Time-Division-Multiple-Access (TDMA) is studied.<p>Certain constraints of TDMA transmission in a wireless network requirescareful scheduling among the nodes in order to achieve conflict-free operations. These constraints also make the calculation of the end-to-end bandwidth along a path non-trivial. These calculationsare essential for QoS routing which requires a certain amount of bandwidth available on a route. <p>We prove the problem of calculating the maximal end-to-end bandwidth along a given a path in a TDMA network is NP-complete, and develop an efficient bandwidth calculation scheme. We also show how the bandwidth calculation scheme can be usedwith the Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector protocol (AODV) to perform QoSrouting.en-USad hoc networksTDMAquality-of-service (QoS) routingAODVGlobal Communication SystemsBandwidth Calculation in a TDMA-based Ad Hoc NetworkTechnical Report