Gaskell, D.Ahmidouch, A.Ambrozewicz, P.Anklin, H.Arrington, J.Assamagan, K.Avery, S.Bailey, K.Baker, O.K.Beedoe, S.Beise, B.Breuer, H.Brown, D.S.Carlini, R.Cha, J.Chant, N.Cowley, A.Danagoulian, S.De Schepper, D.Dunne, J.Dutta, D.Ent, R.Gan, L.Gasparian, A.Geesaman, D.F.Gilman, R.Glashausser, C.Gueye, P.Harvey, M.Hashimoto, O.Hinton, W.Hofman, G.Jackson, C.Jackson, H.E.Keppel, C.Kinney, E.Koltenuk, D.Lung, A.Mack, D.McKee, D.Mitchell, J.Mkrtchyan, H.Mueller, B.Niculescu, G.Niculescu, I.O'Neill, T.G.Papavassiliou, V.Potterveld, D.Reinhold, J.Roos, P.Sawafta, R.Segel, R.Stepanyan, S.Tadevosyan, V.Takahashi, T.Tang, L.Terburg, B.Van Westrum, D.Volmer, J.Welch, T.P.Wood, S.Yuan, L.Zeidman, B.Zihlmann, B.The coherent 3He(e,e′π+)3H reaction was measured at Q2=0.4 (GeV/c)2 and W=1.6 GeV for two values of the virtual photon polarization, ε, allowing the separation of longitudinal and transverse cross sections. The results from the coherent process on 3He were compared to H(e,e′π+)n data taken at the same kinematics. This marks the first direct comparison of these processes. At these kinematics (pπ=1.1 GeV/c), pion rescattering from the spectator nucleons in the 3He(e,e′π+)3H process is expected to be small, simplifying the comparison to π+ production from the free proton.PhysicsPhotonNucleonMeasurement of longitudinal and transverse cross sections in the 3He(e,e′π+)3H reaction at W=1.6 GeVArticle