Zhang, BaozhuThe More-Electric Aircraft (MEA) is a type of aircraft that replaces conventional hydraulic and pneumatic systems with electrically powered components. These changes have significantly challenged the aircraft electric power system design. This thesis investigates how reliability analysis can be applied to automatically generate system topologies for the MEA electric power system. We first use a traditional method of reliability block diagrams to analyze the reliability level on different system topologies. We next propose a new methodology in which system topologies, constrained by a set reliability level, are automatically generated. The path-set method is used for analysis. Finally, we interface these sets of system topologies with control synthesis tools to automatically create correct-by-construction control logic for the electric power system.enAPPLYING RELIABILITY ANALYSIS TO DESIGN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS FOR MORE-ELECTRIC AIRCRAFTThesisEngineeringAircraftElectricMoreTopology