Farrish, KelseyThis project develops a preliminary Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI) for the area around the National Park Service (NPS) Mission 66 visitor center at Great Falls Park in Virginia. The project area includes the visitor center and courtyard, entrance station and road, parking area, overlook trails, remnants of the Patowmack Canal, picnic area, comfort station, Mather plaque, and surrounding woodlands. This CLI provides NPS with baseline data about park resources in an easily accessible and comprehensive document that can be used to make decisions regarding management, maintenance, and preservation of those resources. This report documents and evaluates the historic significance and integrity of landscape features through site maps, National Register information, chronology and physical history background, analysis and evaluation of integrity, and a condition assessment.en-USCultural Landscape InventoryGreat Falls ParkNational Park ServiceHistoric PreservationMission 66CULTURAL LANDSCAPE INVENTORY: GREAT FALLS PARK - NORTH, MCLEAN, VIRGINIAOther