Earnhart, Mark LeslieABSTRACT Title of Thesis: THE NOVELTY SEARCH OF PRIOR ART REQUIRES A LAWYER Mark Earnhart, Masters of Fine Art, 2013 Thesis Directed By: Professor Foon Sham Department of Art "Things are complicated" is a very true statement in which the vagueness is fitting, the utterance reprehensible and the implications impossible. But, things are complicated. They are not simply objects, although they might take the form; they might have mass and volume, substance and presence. But the object is tied to the act of perception, the thing is not; the thing can exist in no physical way but still maintain presence. What happens when encountering a thing? Does one rely on the tools of perception solely? Or is there something immeasurable in combination with what is present? Encountering a thing requires an ability to make connections, relate personally and internalize the situation. If the thing is known we put to work a relation of familiarity and if unknown the mechanism required for retrieval becomes infinitely complex.The Novelty Search of Prior Art Requires a LawyerThesisArts managementAestheticsArt criticismceilingEarnhartobjectsthings