Chatterjee, TrinishChowdhury, NazifaIttner, JasonJiao, AlexanderNguyen, DavidSingh, KaramWeatherford, AlexanderGemstone Team VOLTAGETeam VOLTAGE is an undergraduate research team based in University of Maryland’s Gemstone research program. Their objective is to advance research related to modeling e-paper technologies. Experimentation with electrowetting display fabrication techniques, followed by modeling based on measured parameters is performed. Both numerical and circuit-based simulations are performed. Numerical simulations demonstrate correlations between pixel size, alpha constant, actuation voltage, and power consumption. Circuit-based simulations demonstrate a method for determining power consumption of an electrowetting-based display and give an accurate power consumption for a specified display.en-USGemstone Team VOLTAGEMODELING POWER CONSUMPTION AND OPERATION IN A BISTABLE ELECTROWETTING-BASED DISPLAYThesis