Wang, JingchuanThe software supports the following study: We present a method for improving seismic data collection on planetary surfaces such as the Moon and Mars. This approach is based on recent advances in compressive sensing technology to reduce the number of data collection points required compared to conventional methods without sacrificing the quality of the resulting subsurface images. We demonstrate its effectiveness using both synthetic and field data from locations with similarities to planetary surface environments. The method is then applied to reanalyze seismic data collected by the crew of the Apollo 14 and 16 missions. Our study has implications for mission planning, as this method can make space missions more efficient by reducing the equipment and time to collect geophysical data on planetary surfaces. It also makes it possible to reconstruct missing or damaged data, improving the quality of imagery and enhancing our understanding of the interior of other worlds.Active Seismic Exploration of Planetary Subsurfaces via Compressive SensingSoftware