Kuligowski, Erica DawnThis work emphasizes the importance for egress model users to choose a model for each project with the appropriate input features and simulation capabilities. This report also gives model users a mechanism for choosing the appropriate model by providing a detailed egress model review (Chapter 2). Specifically this report focuses on the ability of two egress models, EXIT89 and Simulex, to simulate a high-rise hotel building evacuation. When EXIT89 and Simulex are used to 1) simulate the same design scenarios and 2) perform a bounding analysis of the hotel building, significant differences in egress times were identified. EXIT89's evacuation times were found to be 25-40% lower than Simulex for the design scenarios, attributed to differences in unimpeded speeds, movement algorithms, methods of simulating slow occupants, density in the stairs, and stair configuration input between the models. For the bounding analysis, EXIT89 produced maximum evacuation times 30-40% lower than Simulex.en-USThe Evaluation of a Performance-Based Design Process for a Hotel Building: The Comparison of Two Egress ModelsThesisEngineering, General