Schaefer, JoannMiller, JacquelynDrake, RaponzilHarrington, AlfredHealth disparities are a prominent issue nationally as well as in Nebraska. Healthy People 2010 defines two overarching goals: increasing the quality and years of healthy life and eliminating health disparities in the United States1. The Nebraska 2010 Health Goals and Objectives outlines a set of health goals and objectives to be achieved by 2010. These goals are consistent with the national goals: eliminating health disparities and increasing the quality and years of healthy life for all people in Nebraska. The question is how to move this agenda forward in a way that optimizes resources and prioritizes needs.Office of Minority HealthDisparitiesHealthUS Department of Health and Human ServicesGovernment PublicationsHealth EquityState Offices of Minority HealthHealth disparitiesNebraskaHealthy People 2010health goals and objectivesEqualizing Health Outcomes &Eliminating Health Disparities Strategic Plan of the Nebraska Office of Minority HealthArticle