Campbell, Julia LeighWhile some neighborhoods around Washington, DC have a higher-than-average area median income, ample employment opportunities, and a diverse housing stock, that’s not entirely the case for Prince George’s County, Maryland. Specifically in the city of Landover, some residents are highly cost-burdened and living in poverty. These neighborhoods are often the result of systemic and historical racial discrimination where minorities were not given equal financing opportunities for their homes. To meet the needs of this community, Missing Middle housing options should be integrated in the neighborhood, which offers home options give residents a diversity of choice in their home dependent on their group’s size and income. Missing Middle housing is essentially all the varying housing types between the scale of a single-family home and a mid-rise multi-family building. These typologies accommodate a higher density within a walkable and multi-modal neighborhood, which fosters opportunities for employment and community engagement.enMIDDLE GROUND: RECALIBRATING PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY'S FAIR LIVING OPPORTUNITIESThesisArchitectureAFFORDABLE HOUSINGHOUSINGMARYLANDMISSING MIDDLETYPOLOGIESWASHINGTON DC