Keita, MamadiThis study is an inquiry into the forms and expressions of revolt in the works of Williams Sassine. Following the chronology, I choose to begin Sassine's denunciation of the forms of domination, exploitation and alienation with the colonial period. However, beyond the colonial period, the characters of Sassine's novels often rise up against the political drift of the Third World's new independent nations. Furthermore, this study underlines the inadequacy of the education system inherited from the colonial period. In the forth chapter, I examine the question of exile, a recurrent them in the African Francophone literature. Finaly, my investigation of Sassine's novels reveals a constant quest for identity and a rejection of all foreign cultural influences.Revolt and it expressions in the works of Williams SassineDissertationLiterature, AfricanColonialism and postcolonialismDictature in the Third WorldExilNationalism culturel and raceReligion and politicsRevolt