ROBINSON, ELLINGTON RUDII see my work as an expression of a young man growing up in a household of music, books, and highly influential people. During the crack era that becomes prevalent under the tenure of President Reagan. The influences of the past will be the guides to surviving in a time when many friends parish as victims from the abundance of violence. The influences and tragedies are translated into motifs that are metaphors combined to create forms of communication. The hardwood floors, record jackets, tape, and railroad tracks provide a catalyst. These motifs are combined and isolated to tell an intense story that is layered with the history of the Civil Rights Movement, hip hop culture, drugs and music. The work is a conduit to release years of pain dealing with loss and oppression. It is also a vehicle to celebrate the philosophy that joy and pain are synonymous with life.en-USUnderneath The MusicThesisSociology, Ethnic and Racial StudiesMusicArchitecture