DePope, Leigh AnnSaponaro, MaggiePoster for poster session presentation.The University of Maryland Libraries (UMD), has experienced a static collection budget for over 14 years. Despite the best efforts of the Collection Development and Acquisitions units to mitigate the continuing effect of serials inflation, it became evident in summer 2015 that budgetary expenses would have to be curtailed in order to meet increasing serials costs. In the fall of 2015, the Libraries initiated the first-ever comprehensive database review across all subject areas. The review involved subject specialists as well as Acquisitions and Collection Development personnel. This poster reviews the process that was developed, who was involved, what information was provided, how cancellation decisions were made and communicated, and the steps taken to publicize those resources selected for cancellation.en-USLibraries Collection DevelopmentAcquisitionsRolling out a Database Review: Initiating a Comprehensive Database Review at the University of Maryland LibrariesOther