Neuhauser, StephenIntegrating the disciplines of Historic Preservation and Architectural Design can provide opportunities to re-vision cultural and building traditions in a modern context. To demonstrate how these opportunities can be met, this thesis will explore the transformation of an abandoned historic mill building in Knights Ferry, California, into an olive orchard and oil production center. The design will create flexible spaces for use by the community and visitors, introduce a new economic foundation on which a renaissance could be built, and provide an opportunity to revitalize and repurpose ruins that have fallen into disuse, combining them with new buildings, landscapes, and reasons for being. This thesis maintains that by recovering and revitalizing disused historic places in a sensitive and dynamic manner we can ensure that these places not only remain relevant, but encourage the creative evolution of history and tradition.enDYNAMIC SPACES: INTEGRATING PRESERVATION AND DESIGN AT KNIGHTS FERRYThesisArchitectureAdaptive ReuseKnights FerryOlivesPreservation