Wang, Ren HaoTen years after the implementation of the ACA, US families have been experiencing a continuing increase in the average premium for health insurance coverage. Although the case differs for the low-income population, providing affordable health insurance remains a significant policy issue. Section 1332 waiver of the ACA allows states to develop innovative strategies to provide affordable health insurance upholding the required high-quality care and basic protections. Seventeen states took the market-oriented approach of state reinsurance programs to stabilize the health insurance market and restrain premium increases. Using RWJF HIX data as well as public and restricted MEPS data, this dissertation investigated the policy impact of state reinsurance programs over premium reduction in the health exchange market, unintended consequence of crowding out Employer-Sponsored Insurance, as well as changes in out-of-pocket premium and insurance coverage on the consumer perspective.enTHE POLICY IMPACT OF STATE REINSURANCE PROGRAMS UNDER THE ACA 1332 WAIVERDissertationPublic healthACA 1332 waiverHealth Insurance ExchangeIndividual MarketState policyState reinsurace program